PLAYLAB, INC. was invited to participate in a digital gallery exhibition called Transient Space, curated by Adam Griffiths, with 30+ other practitioners for Design Manchester Festival in Manchester, UK, at Manchester School of Art. Every group received a 17 second spot to show a video on loop. PLAYLAB, INC. used our 17 seconds to give to others, in the form of individual 1 second ads.

The work, called Your Ad Here, ended up featuring the following entities and individuals over the exhibition, October 15–26, 2018: ARCHIVE NEPTUNE, Aubrey Pohl, Ben Siekierski, Kohlman Harshbarger, Mario Julian G, Nile Greenberg, Ryan J. Simons, Andy Merida, Eric Mood, Jancy Butterworth, Joel Speasmaker, Joshua Lepley, Matthew Brubaker, Matthew Giordano, Ethan Lauer, Evan Keast, Grace Harms, Jack Lester, Joel Evey, Scott Sanders and Tan Nguyen for advertising with PLAYLAB, INC.

Batch 3 submissions to Transient Space

THIS IS SOLD OUT c/o Ryan J. Simons

Matt Brubaker

Tan Nguyen