We were selected to curate and design the Design Academy’s Summer 2017 exhibition at A/D/O, a project space by MINI, titled "Common Sense". The prompt was to explore the role of senses in design, as well as commonality. Our exhibition explored multiple views of the same subject, presented through seven different experiments. Each highlighted frequent themes in design, and of studio interest: color, branding, value, language, identity and sound. Each experiment included a contribution from different collaborators, who explored their own perspective on the given theme. Experiments were accompanied by printed pages which served as takeaways. Visitors could grab the pages as they went from experiment to experiment in order to form their own program.

Collaborators: Mike Perry, Haik Avanian, Matt Giordano, Josh Segal, Ben Sisto, ZutAlors, Joel Speasmaker, Informal Inquiry, Ben Fama, Alex Fox Tschan, HAWRAF, Ashley D'Arcy, Maggie Shannon, Wash and Fold NYC, Joel Evey and Olivia Verdugo, Ben Warfield and Jack Tatum.